Dagens dikt, för oss som söker!
Har inte skrivit den själv men tycker om den.
May you imagine to find some one that you want to say this to:
May you imagine to find some one that you want to say this to:
"Do you love me or do you not??"
You told me once, but I forgot.
So tell me now and tell me true,
So I can tell you....I love you!!
Of all the people I've ever met,
You are the only one I can't forget.
And if I die before you do,
I'll go to heaven and wait for you.
If you are not there by judgment day
I'll know you went the other way.
I'll give the angels back their wings,
And risk the loss of everything.
Just to prove my love is true,
I'll go to hell to be with you".
Åh vilken fin stil på texten där :O
Hur gör man? (a)
Postat av: Sweetheart
Postat av: Sweetheart
Åh, den dikten är underbar! Så himla fin :)
Postat av: Zack
Postat av: Zack
Det tycker jag med Sweetheart, vet du möjligtvis vem som skrev den?
Kram :)
Postat av: Carro